Monday, May 30, 2011

Evolution cartoon

I just realized that I posted this on the political blog.  I guess evolution, to my subconscious, is a political subject.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Newstradamus is now Nowstradamus, and he has his own blog HERE.

Newstradamus Hat Contest

I just created a new character who will have a panel of his own.  He's "Newstradaumus," and he's the Master of the Bleedin' Obvious as Basil Fawlty would say.  You can see his debut HERE.  As you can see, he has magical occult powers that enable him to unerringly predict the future.  This is a request for everybody to pick the best hat for him to wear.  Or maybe he should wear different hats at different times. Click on the illustration to see it full-size.

Another problem is his name.  I googled "Newstradamus" and the name has already been used, as has "Knowstradamus"and "Nustradamus" and "Noostradamus" — so while you're voting, feel free to suggest a name for him, too.  It doesn't have to be based on Nostradamus, of course.  I should say, there's a sketch comedy troupe called "Newstradamus," so I really can't use that name.  A possible variant would be "Newsadamus."  How does that sound?

Some people think that Newstradamus might just be Stand-Up Guy in disguise, with his red hair stuffed up in his hat.  Don't ask me.  I'm just the cartoonist.

Vote by emailing me at:

Or just vote below in the "Comments," of course.


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Dungeon cartoon

More stuff like this HERE.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Education cartoon

Did you know? I have a daily education cartoon HERE.
And a daily political cartoon HERE.
And a daily Kings & Queens cartoon HERE.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Showcasing Donna Barstow

Every now and then on this blog, I’d like to showcase a colleague in the cartooning business who you all ought to know about. I’ll start with Donna Barstow.

Donna Barstow is noteworthy for being a conservative cartoonist, and doubly so for being a conservative cartoonist who appears in the New Yorker, a pretty liberal venue.

But that’s not all. Her work has appeared in such wide-ranging places as Punch, Reader’s Digest, Barron’s, and the Chicken Soup books. And she does books! Here’s one of her cartoons that especially appeals to me.

Take a look at her political cartoon blog here:

And her general cartoon blog here:

And her basic cartoon site here:


Grim reaper cartoon